We’ve all been there – enjoying ourselves at a party, merrymaking with friends until – record scratch – we’re out of ice!

Nothing kills the mood like a mid-party ice run. Our ice calculator will ensure you have enough ice to keep the party going, accounting for enough ice for a cooler, as well as clean ice for drinks. We do the math for you, so all you have to do is follow the shopping list and our tips below for uninterrupted party magic.

An insulated beverage tub or cooler is ideal to chill white wine, rosé, sparkling wine, canned beverages, and water bottles. To make your “ice-down ice” last as long as possible, follow these pointers:

  • Start with a cold cooler, if possible, or at least bring the cooler to room temperature. A cooler that is hot from being outside or in a garage will not keep ice frozen as long as a cold cooler. Cold cooler = cold insulation = cold ice!
  • Ideally, fill the cooler with drinks that are already cold from being in the refrigerator overnight; this will use less ice than if you have to ice down room temperature or hot drinks.
  • Cold air travels down, so place a layer of drinks in the cooler first, and then top with ice. Make sure to leave space between the cans or bottles so ice can fit between the drinks. Alternate layers of drinks with layers of ice until the cooler is full.
  • A full cooler keeps drinks colder longer than one that is half full or nearly empty. Continue to replenish the cooler with more ice and drinks while the party is still going strong.
  • Keep a bar towel, bottle opener (tied to a handle to keep it from walking away), and small trash can for bottle tops by the cooler.

Depending on the drinks you are serving, you might also need clean ice in another cooler or ice bucket. Guests will fill their glasses with this ice for mixed drinks, wine spritzes, and many nonalcoholic beverages. We always recommend having a separate clean ice receptacle – too many hands dig around in the drink cooler for that ice to be suitable to melt in a drink! Remember ice tongs or a scoop and keep cocktail napkins close by.